2017 Goals


This year, one of my goals is to reach $500.  I already have over $100 so far.  The money was from Christmas.  I plan to get money this year by probably mowing lawns this summer or something.  I’m not that good at mowing lawns, but I’m okay at it. I think one more way I can make money this year is by making a lemonade stand.  That’s how I want to reach my $500.  The thing is, when I reach $500, I have no clue what to do with it!


There once was a kid with a shoe

It was dirty, gooey and blue

The shoe came untied

In a pot it fried

But his mom bought him some new shoes.



There once was a sloth, that wished to play

He asked his mom, “If I may,

Go play in the tide,”

But his mother sighed,

“Sorry, but it is raining today.”

Red Ribbon Week


The history of Red Ribbon Week began by this man this became a Drug Enforcement Administration Agent. He was tortured and killed in Mexico in 1985. The 37 year old man left his office to go eat with his wife. Then 5 men approached him and threw him in a car. They found his body in Mexico. People began wearing red badges to honor him. Now we have Red Ribbon Week to say no to drugs.